Training and resources
There is a wealth of training, resources and background information available on modern slavery and related areas. On this page you will find access to a number of these resources, along with links to third party sites that can offer wider help and information to agencies, businesses, those affected by modern slavery and the wider public in general.
- Local Government Association Council Guide to tackling Modern Slavery
- Resources designed for businesses in the agricultural, construction, fishing, food and hospitality industries.
- London Universities Purchasing Consortium e-learning for Protecting Human Rights in the Supply Chain
- Home Office Modern Slavery training resource page for the public sector
- Government's supply chain statement
- Business Services Association: Modern Slavery Council Tackling Modern Slavery in UK Service and Infrastructure Projects Sectors Toolkit
- Hampshire Victim Pathway
- Statutory guidance - Modern Slavery How to Identify and Support victims of modern slavery
- UK Visas and Immigration modernised guidance for frontline staff for how it identifies and helps potential victims of human trafficking.
- Barnardo's Independent Child Trafficking Guardians - information on the service and referrals
- Workers Rights Centre Guidance for Migrant Care Workers: how to stand up to exploitation
The Home Office has a number of resources for the 'Modern Slavery is closer than you think' campaign. You will be able to watch a YouTube film about modern slavery and take a look at the infographic and briefing document, as well as posters and wallet cards offering helpline details.