His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) inspects and monitors the territorial police forces in England and Wales. It makes regular assessment of police force performance, called Peel Inspections (Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy) and use inspection findings, analysis and professional judgement to assess how good forces are in several areas of policing. Most of these areas are then graded as outstanding, good, adequate, requires improvement or inadequate.
You can find the latest summary assessment and PEEL Report here.
You can find previous PEEL Reports here.
HMICFRS also inspects and reports on aspects of policing and performance which require attention and action and the responses from the PCC are available on this page.
HMICFRS PEEL: Police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy 2018/19
PCC Response to HMICFRS CDI Inspection of Hampshire Constabulary 2019
PCC & Force Response to PEEL Effectiveness 2018
PCC & Force Response to PEEL Effectiveness 2017
PCC & Force Response to PEEL Legitimacy 2017
PCC & Force Response to PEEL Efficiency 2017
PCC & Force Response to PEEL Effectiveness 2016
PCC & Force Response to PEEL Legitimacy 2016
PCC & Force Response to PEEL Efficiency 2016