Violence Reduction Unit
How we reduce violence
Hampshire and Isle of Wight VRU is a small team of professionals that work in partnership to coordinate a collaborative response to tackle the root causes of violence. The VRU supports the Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) made up of 25 different public sector bodies across the Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth & Southampton (HIPS) area who come together to make our communities safer.
We are really pleased to have produced this years annual achievements report, the reports shares details on much of the work that has taken place over 2023-2024. We would be pleased if you had the time to read through the report. Click here to read.
Together we have a clear vision and mission:
Our vision is for Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton to be a place where people can live their lives free from violence and the fear of violence.
Our mission is to prevent violence by building a collaborative, courageous and sustainable partnership which will drive the change required to successfully address the causes and consequences of violence.
If you are a practitioner have you seen our Serious Violence Toolkit? This is our one stop shop for everything serious violence related. Click here to be taken to the toolkit!
If you are a parent or carer worried about a young person please click here for advice.
1Understand what the data, information and communities are telling us about violence and its drivers
2Develop a response to tackle and prevent violence, which is publicised and implemented
3Review the interventions and response to understand the impact on our communities and ‘what works’
Hampshire and IOW VRP
The VRP is made up of 25 separate partner agencies from The NHS, Probation, Youth Justice, Policing, Local Authorities, the Fire Service and Education to collaboratively reduce violence in our communities.
You can CLICK HERE to find out more about the VRP.
PCC Donna Jones leads and convenes the partnership pulling together executive leaders in the Strategic Violence Reduction Partnership (SVRP) meeting. There are four strategy areas delivered by working groups to the SVRP.
You will find more information in this section about the working groups as well information about our campaigns and access to the Partnership Portal for those that are part of the VRP.
You can find more details by clicking the icons below.
The campaigns page has all the latest information about ongoing and upcoming campaigns, each designed to make a positive impact and drive meaningful change around serious violence and knife crime.
Work in your community
The VRU works across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Click on your area below to find out more about our work near you.
VRP News
The VRU brings together health, police, education leaders, health workers, local government and many other.

Contact us
To get in touch with the VRU, use the button below.
Or if you are a parent or carer worried about a young person please click here for some advice.