The Life Journey of Trauma Conference
01 March 2022

Embedding trauma informed practice across public services will help people live healthier crime-free lives. The Life Journey of Trauma Conference will explore the potential negative impacts of trauma as a result of earlier adverse childhood experiences (ACES), and how we can all help reduce risk and increase the protection of children, young people, adults, communities and society by working in a trauma informed way.
Global and National experts will share their knowledge regarding ACEs and trauma informed practice, and there will be presentations on local initiatives such as the Trauma Informed Practitioners (TIPS) pilot which is the first of its kind in the UK and involves experts patrolling with police to embed trauma informed policing.
The Police and Crime Commissioner invites you to join the Life Journey of Trauma Conference via live-stream and take part by asking questions in the chat. The Conference opens at 9am and runs until 5pm.