Have your say on who is the next PCC

PCCs are elected by the public to hold the Chief Constable and the force to account, effectively making the police answerable to the communities they serve.
PCCs work in partnership across a range of agencies at local and national level to ensure there is a unified approach to preventing and reducing crime.
- Elected to represent your views on policing and crime locally. Directly accountable to you, the public
- Commissions dedicated local victim support services, that you can access to help you cope and recover, if you become a victim of crime
- Funds crime prevention services to address issues such as drug and alcohol misuse, youth crime and anti-social behaviour to keep your communities safe.
- After consulting local people, publishes a Police and Crime Plan to identify local priorities and how they plan to meet them.
- Works with national and local policing and Criminal Justice partners to reduce crime and help make communities safer.
- Works with local authorities, health and education services – plus the voluntary sector and local businesses – to create a joined-up response to local problems.
- Sets the police budget, decides how much you pay towards policing from your council tax, to add to the funding from central Government and decides how the total budget is spent.
- Appoints the Chief Constable who runs the operational side of policing in your area.
- Holds the Chief Constable to account for delivering an effective and efficient police service.
Under the terms of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, PCCs must:
- secure an efficient and effective police service for their area;
- appoint the Chief Constable, hold them to account for running the force, and if necessary dismiss them;
- set the police and crime objectives for their area through a police and crime plan;
- set the force budget and determine the precept;
- contribute to the national and international policing capabilities set out by the Home Secretary; and
- bring together community safety and criminal justice partners, to make sure local priorities are joined up.
Further detailed information on PCC powers and responsibilities is also available on the Home Office website.
His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Service has published a helpful summary of the role of PCCs and the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, the body which represents PCCs, have also published everything you need to know about PCCs.
- be registered to vote
- be 18 or over on the day of the election (‘polling day’)
- be a British, Commonwealth or EU citizen
- be resident at an address in England or Wales (excluding London)
- not be legally excluded from voting.
To be able to vote, you must be on the electoral register. It takes just five minutes to apply to vote online.
Once registered you can cast your vote by post, in person in a polling station or by appointing someone you trust to vote on your behalf, which is known as a proxy vote.
The PARO for the election has published information about the election for voters.