17 June: PCC Donna Jones responds to the Government’s Rape Review report
17 June 2021

Donna Jones, Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, said:
“Victims of rape have been let down by the criminal justice system for too long. I am seriously concerned about the drop in rape cases leading to charge and convictions.
“The Government’s Rape Review report outlines the transformational change that is required at a national and local level. I am committed to working with partners across the local criminal justice system in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to embed the change required to ensure better outcomes for victims of rape and sexual assault.
“I have already had discussions with the Chief Constable regarding better outcomes of sexual assault and rape. I have joined the Local Criminal Justice Board to ensure action is taken across the system to make the necessary improvements.
“Victims need to have confidence and trust in the system from their first point of contact with the police, through the investigation, in the lead up to a court hearing and during that court process. The support offered throughout this journey and beyond is important and I will continue to invest in the best support services, such as the Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs, which are highlighted in the report).
“Locally work is already focussed on improving outcomes for victims of rape and the CPS are a central part of this improvement work. I am collaborating with Police and Crime Commissioners in Dorset and Wiltshire to agree joint objectives and I will ensure a change for victims so they get the justice they deserve.”